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DSLR Lenses - Capturing the Beauty

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ByChristine Howard

Have you ever thought of taking a great quality pictures? Once you have decided to become a professional photographer, the proper equipment is inevitable. Since each person has a different style of shooting, the exact answer is not to be given easily. Nevertheless, the uniqueness of DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera) and the possibility of attaching different lenses to it make the chance of taking a nice photo easier, as you can always use the proper lens.

Standard Lenses
Standard are usually called the lenses, that you can buy with the camera. They can be used for doing portraits free from distortion, as the image is very accurate and natural looking. So when you do not have high expectations concerning taking photos, such lenses can be enough for a good start. Nevertheless, you can always change them when you decide they are not sufficient for your desires.

Zoom lenses
The popularity of zoom lenses results from their numerous types. The additional advantage is that you do not have to come closer to the subject you want to photograph, but you can simply use the zoom to get an accurate framing of the image. Such lenses specification depends on the ratio of the longest to shortest focal lengths. For example, a 5x or 5:1 zoom is when the range of focal lengths is between 100mm and 500mm. With such lenses even the faraway subjects are now easy to be photographed, no matter the photographer's skills, however the more practice, the better.

Prime Lenses
A prime lens is that with one focal length. No zooming can be done with it, but it is lighter, cheaper and smaller, when compared to the zoom lens of the same kind. Additionally, the image taken is of the better quality and the lens characterizes with faster aperture speed. Nonetheless, you cannot stick just to one kind of lenses, as your work will need some modifications during shooting.

Macro Lenses
Macro lens is designed for taking a very close-up photos of small objects. It is the best way of capturing nature wonders, such as small flowers or animalcules, but it also works with technical applications. The images are sharp and very precise, as you can get uncommonly close to your subject, no matter its size. The usage of such lenses is thoroughly employed in an industrial and environmental fields but, likewise, can be exercised by anyone wishing to make the perfect close-ups.

Wide Angle Lenses
Wide angle lenses are designed for shooting a wide perspective photos. The landscapes' photographs are best to be taken with them, but you should notice the fact, that there can be some distortion done. Usually these are the edges of the images that can be curved. Despite the fact the subjects are not shown in a proper manner, there are many followers of such deformations. They are even considered as a separate form of art and people create exhibitions concerning just the distorted images.

Special purpose lenses
There are many kinds of lenses not listed above, like fisheye lenses, stereoscopic, soft-focus, infrared, ultraviolet and many other. Each one is designed for a special purpose and their number still grows, as the photographers need more and more accurate equipment to make their work more perfect. The photography from long time ago is no longer the same as nowadays. You do not have to wait for a long time to shoot, what is more you can even take photos of moving subjects, what before was unreachable. Everything changes throughout the time, nevertheless, the beauty locked inside the photographs remains unchanged.

For more reviews on DSLR Lenses please visit my website at http://dslrlensreviewsite.com

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert


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